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East Asia 1 Day Conferences

East Asia IMB missionaries will be touring the Northwest in October, conducting a series of one-day meetings, called EA1Days (East Asia One Days).  The meeting times are 9:00am to 5:00pm and include lunch.  The dates and locations are:

October 9 –        Greater Gresham Baptist Church, Gresham, OR

October 10 –      Riviera Baptist Church, Eugene, OR

October 11 –      Highland Baptist Church, Redmond, OR

October 13 –      Richland Baptist Church, Richland, WA

October 14 –      Emmanuel Baptist Church, Pullman, WA

October 15 –      Airway Heights Baptist Church, Spokane, WA

October 16 –      Chestnut Street Baptist Church, Ellensburg, WA

October 17 –      CrossPointe Church, Bothell, WA

October 18 –      First Baptist Church of Lakewood, Lakewood, WA

Below you will find a link to register online for one of nine East Asia 1 Day Conferences.  It is quite amazing that our East Asia missionaries are giving us 12 days of their time in order to invite us to join them in gospel work in that dark part of the world.  It presents us with a truly unique opportunity to connect with several IMB missionaries.

The purpose of these EA1Day conferences is to introduce us to the immense need and opportunity to impact lostness among the unreached peoples of East Asia.  Each day will begin with a large group gathering, followed by several breakout opportunities throughout the day, and concludes with a worship gathering focused on the mission of reaching the unreached.  Lunch will be served to all in attendance. 

The breakouts will include such things as: Ways to Pray for an Unreached People, Steps Toward Adopting an Unreached People, Methods of Evangelizing East Asian Peoples, East Asian Cultures and How to Research Your People Group or City, etc.  Also, you will be able to personally connect with some of the IMB personnel who live in East Asia and with whom you will work.  They will even have “project requests” available so that you can visit about specific places, dates, and ministry assignments.

There are literally hundreds of cities and towns in the area of our focus that do not have even one church.  When our vision team was there last March we met people who had never heard the name “Jesus” and had no gospel witness in their area.  Some of you will be led to serve in areas where there are no missionaries living (they will travel to the area with you) and no known believers.  The lost peoples in East Asia are Buddhists, Muslims, atheists, Confucius adherents, ancestor worshippers, and animists.

Who should attend an EA1Day Conference?  Everybody!  Anybody interested in missions and reaching the lost will benefit from attending, including those who cannot travel to East Asia.  They will learn how to pray for a people they will never personally meet (though we have many East Asians living in the Northwest and we will learn something of how to reach them too!), they will learn how they can support the efforts of those who go, and they will learn how their Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering dollars are being invested.  Others will want to attend because they want to personally engage the lost in East Asia and learn various ways to do that.

Here is the link to register individuals or church groups to attend the EA1Day events:

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